How To Make Beaded Flowers Instructions

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to make beaded flowers? Making beaded flowers is a great way to add a personal touch to your home decor or give as a thoughtful gift. In this article, we will give you step-by-step instructions on how to make beaded flowers.

Beaded Flowers Source:

Materials Needed

Before we begin, let's go over the materials you will need to make your beaded flowers:

  • Beads
  • Wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Floral tape
  • Scissors
  • Green floral wire
  • Green floral tape

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that you have your materials, let's get started making your beaded flowers:

  1. Take a piece of wire and string on your beads in the order you want them to appear. You can use any color or size of beads you like.
  2. Once you have strung all your beads, use your needle-nose pliers to create a small loop at the end of the wire. This will prevent the beads from falling off.
  3. Beaded Flower Instructions Source:
  4. Next, use your wire cutters to cut a piece of green floral wire to your desired length. This will be the stem of your beaded flower.
  5. Take your beaded wire and wrap it around the top of the green floral wire stem. Use your needle-nose pliers to create a loop at the bottom of the beaded wire to secure it to the stem.
  6. Wrap a piece of green floral tape around the bottom of the beaded wire and the top of the stem to secure the two together. Continue wrapping the floral tape all the way down the stem, pulling it tightly as you go.
  7. Once you reach the end of the stem, snip off any excess floral tape with your scissors.
  8. Now it's time to create the petals of your beaded flower. Take another piece of wire and string on your beads, creating a loop at the end as you did before.
  9. Use your wire cutters to cut another piece of green floral wire to your desired length, which will be the length of your petal.
  10. Take your beaded wire and wrap it around the top of the green floral wire, creating a loop at the bottom to secure it to the stem.
  11. Wrap a piece of green floral tape around the bottom of the beaded wire and the top of the stem to secure the two together. Continue wrapping the floral tape all the way down the stem.
  12. Once you reach the end of the stem, snip off any excess floral tape with your scissors.
  13. Repeat steps 7-11 to create as many petals as you desire for your beaded flower.
  14. Once you have created all of your petals, use your needle-nose pliers to arrange them in a circular shape around the stem. Make sure they are evenly spaced and facing in the same direction.
  15. Wrap a piece of green floral tape around the bottom of the petals and the top of the stem to secure them together. Continue wrapping the floral tape all the way down the stem.
  16. Once you reach the end of the stem, snip off any excess floral tape with your scissors.
  17. Your beaded flower is now complete! You can create more flowers using different colors and sizes of beads to add variety to your home decor.


As you can see, making beaded flowers is a fun and easy craft that anyone can do. With just a few materials and some creativity, you can create beautiful flowers to decorate your home or give as a thoughtful gift. So, grab your beads and wire and get crafting!

Related video of How To Make Beaded Flowers Instructions

